You Can’t Make This Shit Up
Posted on April 10th, 2009 at 3:08 pm by Steve

So, on the heels of the Iowa Supreme Court striking down Iowa’s ban on same-gender marriages, and Vermont’s activist legislators legislating from the Legislature to allow “teh gays” to marry in their socialist kingdom… things are really heating up in right-wing-nut-land.

Did you know that there’s an organization called the National Organization for Marriage, or NOM? (I did, but I’m a nerd.) They’re devoted to STOPPING “teh gays” from marrying. They have started a new campaign which they’re calling – and I am not making this up – 2M4M. In their cloistered little world, this means “Two Million For Marriage.” But when it comes to “teh gays”, “M4M” has a very particular meaning involving a person of the male persuasion seeking another person of the male persuasion to engage in the sorts of activities that made Sodom such a fun place to visit (especially in the summertime). Obviously, 2M4M is just double the pleasure (and double the fun!).

It’s just stunning. A supporter of “teh gays” has already registered the domain And if you search for the National Organization of Marriage by its self-chosen acronym NOM on teh Google, you get this:

(h/t: Joe.My.God.)