Change We Can Believe In
Posted on February 8th, 2011 at 12:57 pm by Steve

[S]ince 1993 [Omar] Suleiman has headed the feared Egyptian general intelligence service. In that capacity, he was the C.I.A.’s point man in Egypt for renditions—the covert program in which the C.I.A. snatched terror suspects from around the world and returned them to Egypt and elsewhere for interrogation, often under brutal circumstances.

Jane Mayer, “Who Is Omar Suleiman?”, in the New Yorker

Natural By Nature
Posted on January 2nd, 2011 at 4:18 pm by Steve

…I’m pretty sure ‘Nature’ didn’t collect a bunch of cow juice, stuff it into a steel can, and compress it with nitrous oxide.

Just sayin’.

“I Watched the Sun Set, Listening to the Colors Change…”
Posted on September 20th, 2010 at 4:08 pm by Steve

Austin Seraphin (who is nearly blind) describes the revelation of using an iPhone with Voice Over functionality:

I spent ten minutes looking at my pumpkin plants, with their leaves of green and lemon-ginger. I then roamed my yard, and saw a blue flower. I then found the brown shed, and returned to the gray house. My mind felt blown. I watched the sun set, listening to the colors change as the sky darkened.

It’s inspiring that the Apple engineers and developers are working hard to make their devices and software accessible to the widest possible number of people.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Missing Missy (with apologies to cat lovers)
Posted on July 14th, 2010 at 1:55 pm by dr.hoo

If any of you have lost a cat you know how upsetting it is. David Thorne responds with his own brilliant brand of snarky designer’s humor. (His whole site is full of hilarious email threads)

Beautiful Info-Graphics From 1870
Posted on June 4th, 2010 at 7:37 pm by Steve

You wouldn’t expect to find such beauty in the Statistical Atlas of the United States, Based on the Ninth Census (1870) from the Library of Congress, would you? Sophisticated data visualizations, hand-calculated and hand-engraved, in beautiful colors, prepared by a staff headed by Francis A. Walker, M. A., superintedent of the ninth census.

The display above shows you, for each U. S. state and territory, the proportion of the church-going population (the colored boxes) relative to the total population (the shaded box in which the colored boxes are set), as well as the breakdown by the top 11 denominations!

I highly recommend that you check out all the charts and maps!

A Bare-Knuckled Bucket of Does
Posted on June 4th, 2010 at 2:11 pm by Steve

Lawrence Yang documents the obvious problem with Verizon’s $100 million integrated ad campaign for the Google/Droid phone. He was inspired by Nancy Friedman, who is a delight to read.

(Be sure also to read Nancy’s linked discussion of anthimeria, which is, loosely speaking, when someone verbs a noun.)

(Below: the actual $100 million ad campaign.)

Twitter Logo == Headless Wheelchair User
Posted on February 11th, 2010 at 10:46 pm by Steve

As the kids say over at The Daily What, cannot be unseen!

(h/t: b&p via The Daily What.)

AR Kitchen (Now with 500% more ads!)
Posted on February 10th, 2010 at 3:11 pm by dr.hoo

An amazing/creepy visualization of what life might be like when we are “jacked in” to a virtual overlay 24/7. Lots of great little details in the animation. Note the sea of advertising that can be controlled, paying you more money per second depending on your environmental saturation.

The future looks AWESOME!

Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.

The latter half of the 20th century saw the built environment merged with media space, and architecture taking on new roles related to branding, image and consumerism. Augmented reality may recontextualise the functions of consumerism and architecture, and change in the way in which we operate within it.

A film produced for my final year Masters in Architecture, part of a larger project about the social and architectural consequences of new media and augmented reality.

Anti-US Propaganda from Dear Leader
Posted on February 5th, 2010 at 5:20 pm by Steve

Creepy but pretty interesting, too. Via the ISO50 blog.

On the Origin of Specious
Posted on February 3rd, 2010 at 11:07 am by Steve

Okay, so maybe referring to The Obama as specious is a bit of a stretch, but, dammit, I wanted that pun! And, really, it was just a setup for this awesome graphic by artist Mike Rosulek:

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