Blah Blah Bloggity Blawg
Posted on December 3rd, 2008 at 11:52 pm by Steve

I’ve linked to Ioz before, and I’ll link to him again:

the idea that the General Electrics of the world are going to let their marketing arms – which is to say, the television networks, movie studios, [and other] “content providers” that they own – act as judicious guides to the ethical policy implications of blowing up Wherethefuckistan is palpably ridiculous. Living in a realm of Platonic pure-form divided government counterbalanced by a free-press fourth-estate held accountable by informed enfranchised citizenry blah blah bloggity blawg is just the teetotaling post-Harvard civics-student version of staying constantly stoned: tethered to reality, and yet floating free of it. Complaining that NBC is in the tank for the defense industry is like complaining that Pravda was in the tank for the Red Army.