Taking Bin Laden at His Word
Posted on October 27th, 2008 at 4:49 pm by Steve

George W. Bush, September 2006:

Bin Laden and his terrorist allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them. The question is: Will we listen? Will we pay attention to what these evil men say? America and our coalition partners have made our choice. We’re taking the words of the enemy seriously.

Washington Post, October 22, 2008:

“Al-Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election,” said a commentary posted Monday on the extremist Web site al-Hesbah, which is closely linked to the terrorist group. It said the Arizona Republican would continue the “failing march of his predecessor,” President Bush.

McCain adviser Jim Woolsey, October 22, 2008:

It is ridiculous to believe that in its heart of hearts, al-Qaeda wants John McCain to be the President.

(h/t: The Anonymous Liberal)