Apple’s Working to Stop Prop 8 – Are We?
Posted on October 24th, 2008 at 4:36 pm by Steve

Apple Home Page

That’s Apple’s home page, above – they’re putting their opposition to California’s pernicious Proposition 8 front and center. Pretty ballsy for a big corporation, if you ask me, but totally in keeping with their corporate philosophy. It makes me wonder, though – what are we doing about Proposition 8?

Frankly, I haven’t done squat. I will admit that I personally don’t feel that the marriage fight belongs front-and-center in what used to be charmingly called the Gay Liberation movement. However, when an organized juggernaut of conservative and religious groups attempts to amend a state constitution to prohibit gay marriage, I get my back up.

Andrew Sullivan has been following the Prop 8 question pretty closely, and has a good post here. He quotes Nate Silver of the Five Thirty Eight polling site as putting Prop 8’s chances at 50-50!

I’m curious – any of you Californians involved in the No on 8 stuff?