Uijt Nfttbhf Jt Jo Dpef
Posted on October 15th, 2008 at 4:13 pm by Steve

Enthusiastic and Angry Hockey Mom

Did you figure out the title? It’s “This Message Is In Code,” rotated ahead by 1 letter (T>U). You may not have correctly decoded that, but I bet you can decode these:

1. Values voter
2. Heartland
3. Mainstream voter
4. Hard-working Americans
5. Lunch pail voters
6. Soccer moms
7. Walmart Moms
8. Nascar Dads
9. Blue collar
10. Regular Americans

Yes, those are just the first ten of 69 Ways to Say “White” (Without Saying “White”), courtesy of the fine folks whose blog helpfully explains, We Are Respectable Negroes.