Welcome to Bizzaro World!
Posted on March 6th, 2008 at 3:35 pm by Steve

So, a bomb went off in Times Square this morning, blowing out the door of the Armed Forces Recruiting Station – certainly an iconic target. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Unlike flour in a parking lot, blinky lights on highway overpasses, or a house full of weird art supplies, a bomb going off in Times Square seems to be a very clear-cut case of domestic terrorism, right?

Wrong. We live in Bizzaro World.

Here’s the response from the White House this morning, reported by Bloomberg News:

The federal Homeland Security Department has been in contact with New York officials, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters today. She said that while it’s too early to determine exactly what happened, it doesn’t appear to be terrorism-related.

Yes. We know what terrorism looks like: