Train Riders Make Better Pundits
Posted on February 13th, 2008 at 10:59 am by Steve

Picked up a great post on one of the reader blogs over at Josh Marshall’s Talking Points Memo. It’s too good not to share:

When I arrived to the subway station, a college student was at the top of the escalators handing out Obama literature and encouraging people to vote. I passed on the literature, stating that Barack already had my vote. The young man thanked me and I took the stairs down to the train stop.

That’s when I noticed something far out of the ordinary for my morning routine. My fellow commuters, who I see every morning and afternoon, were engaged in conversation with each other…


All of this was inspired by the young man at the top of the station encouraging votes for Obama. It appeared to me that a majority of my fellow commuters were receptive to that encouragement. People were shouting, “Yes We Can!” Others asked each other if they’d voted yet and if they knew where to do so…


A stylish older black man with a cane, the sort of character you see on the train and wish you’d brought a sketch pad, grabbed me by the arm and smiled. “You see this? That man, (Obama) has inspired all these people to get active in politics. I haven’t seen anything like this since the civil rights movement. You say you’re a writer. You write about this today.”