Bad service? There’s an app for that!
Posted on December 8th, 2009 at 4:07 pm by Mutt

AT&T recently posted a new app, “AT&T Mark the Spot,” which allows iPhone customers to use GPS to report the location of their dropped calls, poor voice quality, and so on.  (Via CNet News.)

I have to say that I’m on the fence about it.  On one hand, it is an acknowledgment that they need to improve their network, and actually a very clever way of optimizing their efforts.  On the other hand, I really hate systems that push the burden of poor service back onto customers.  I suppose that, as these kinds of efforts go, this is pretty innocuous.  It’s certainly better than selling customers IP-based femtocells, which I believe amounts to charging cellphone customers for the privilege of building out a network that they’re already paying to use.

What’s your opinion?