Well, that was quick
Posted on January 8th, 2009 at 2:14 pm by Mutt

Today’s New York Times confirms what we already knew, that microbes evolve much faster than we do:

“Virtually all the flu in the United States this season is resistant to the leading antiviral drug Tamiflu, and scientists and health officials are trying to figure out why.”

This is pet peeve of mine, especially as relates to the arguments of intelligent design proponents:  I think that evolution happens much, much faster than most people imagine it does.  It makes sense that, if evolution creates advantages for gene populations, evolving the evolution mechanism itself for greater speed and efficiency would be a major attractor.  I bet that, if you could do a broad survery of the human genome today, and compare it with one from the same regions just 100 years ago, you’d see a lot of really significant genetic drift.

[For the record, scientists believe that this is a spontaneous mutation.  But, still.]

Late Addition from Steve: Did you know that Donald Rumsefeld was the Chairman of Gilead Biosciences (1997-2001), the company that owns the rights to Tamiflu?